Anal fisting from the master himself 1
Anal fisting from the master himself 2

This is something older material but maybe you like one or the other

Nails in the ass and the mistress makes herself comfortable Part 2 0
Nails in the ass and the mistress makes herself comfortable Part 2 1
Nails in the ass and the mistress makes herself comfortable Part 2 2


Usually it 's just nice for the slaves when his mistress makes himself comfortable and her horny boots on the slave stores but please not with nails in the ass . that's hard and you can see like the slave tries the ass getting pretty far away from the nail to keep the board.


Nails in the ass and the mistress makes herself comfortable 0
Nails in the ass and the mistress makes herself comfortable 1
Nails in the ass and the mistress makes herself comfortable 2

Usually it 's just nice for the slaves when his mistress makes himself comfortable and her horny boots on the slave stores but please not with nails in the ass . that's hard and you can see like the slave tries the ass getting pretty far away from the nail to keep the board.

He has to massage the nylon feet 0
He has to massage the nylon feet 1
He has to massage the nylon feet 2

if he does it well, then the mistress will let mercy prevail but it does not look like if the mistress to tamper with the nipples of slaves makes it makes it good or ? Would you do it better?